Thursday, March 24, 2011

Carnegie backs Taft's Bid for World Peace

As President Taft tries to work with Congress to push through reciprocity and arbitration agreements with Canada and Great Britain, industrialist Andrew Carnegie lent his support to the goal of world peace through arbitration in an interview published in the Washington Times this evening.  Carnegie, who shares his time between his castle in Skibo, Scotland and New York City, gave his full support to the views of Lord Admiral Charles Beresford that America and Britain could together make war between the great powers impossible.

Carnegie believes that if the U.S. and Britain, the two great English-speaker powers of the world, can overwhelmingly support an arbitration treaty than others powers will be so impressed that they will have no choice but to follow suit.  Other great powers would want to enter what Carnegie called the "brotherhood of peace."  Carnegie stated that a country like America, "where...any man's privilege is every man's right under the law," should push the concept of justice and liberty under the law toward perfection here and throughout the world.

The retired industrialist praised Admiral of the Navy George Dewey, the president of the General Board of the Navy Department, for his supported of arbitration and felt that he might one day live to see a world without war thanks to it despite Dewey's pessimism.  Carnegie also felt that right now, this country has no enemies, not even Japan.  He had been by a gentleman from Japan that his country desires friendly relations with the United States above all others.

Link: Carnegie Backing Taft's Peace Plea [The Washington Times]

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